It may surprise you to learn that millipedes are not considered insects. Millipedes are a type of arthropod, and there are approximately 1,000 known species of millipedes in the U.S. alone. Here are some basic characteristics to assist you in your millipede identification efforts:
- Size – They measure anywhere from 1/16 to 4 1/2 inches long, depending on the species.
- Color – They range in color from brown to black to red.
- Body – They have a long, cylindrical body like a worm with a tough-shelled exoskeleton. Their bodies are segmented into rounded sections called diplosomites.
- Appendages – They can have between 80 – 400 legs. They have two pairs of legs per body segment.
Millipedes are known for their many pairs of legs, and they’re known to move very slowly by making wave-like motions with their legs.

Are millipedes dangerous?
Millipedes aren’t really considered harmful. They do not bite, and they do not sting, so they aren’t dangerous in the way some other pests are. However, when millipedes are disturbed, they curl up into little balls and emit a smelly fluid from a gland on the side of their body. This fluid they emit can be toxic to small pets and animals, not to mention it can negatively impact your skin and eyes. If it comes into contact with your skin, the fluid can cause irritation, itching, and sometimes a rash.
Why do I have a millipede problem?
Millipedes do not typically prefer homes over nature, as homes don’t supply them with the damp and deteriorating vegetation they feed on. However, if conditions outside are unsuitable for their survival, millipedes may be pushed to find shelter within the walls of your home. Once they are inside, if your home has potted plants, a plentiful supply of dead insects, and areas that are warm and moist, millipedes may decide to stick around.
Where will I find millipedes?
Millipedes are drawn into our homes and businesses when searching for food and moisture sources. When the outside environment becomes too uncomfortable for them, millipedes look for harborage areas indoors. Once they find what they’re looking for, they call in their friends, and you end up with a full-blown millipede infestation.
Not only are millipedes known for inhabiting areas with high moisture levels, but they’re also commonly found among decaying vegetation. You’ll find them under trash, piles of yard trimmings, flower-bed mulches, leaf piles, etc. Whenever they are, millipedes need moisture to survive for any length of time.
How do I get rid of millipedes?
If millipedes have invaded your home, your next step should be to contact the professionals here at Mission Pest Solutions. Although millipedes are not a major threat, they can still be quite the bother when found crawling around your home. When you call for help from Mission Pest Solutions, you don’t just get protection from millipedes, you get protection from a number of other common household pests, as well. This coverage is all a part of our quality pest control package. For more information on how we deal with millipedes, or to talk about our home pest control and commercial pest management offerings, give us a call!
How can I prevent millipedes in the future?
Even though millipedes don’t pose a huge threat to you or your property, it’s still safe to say that most people don’t’ want to find millipedes in their homes and businesses. If you’re going to prevent millipedes from invading your space, you can take some proactive measures. Here are some helpful tips for preventing millipede activity around your property:
- Address moisture issues around the property.
- Block off all possible entry points that any millipedes can squeeze through.
- Correct drainage and moisture problems throughout the property.
- Create a protective perimeter around your home to keep them out.
- Keep your lawn cut and your landscaping well-trimmed.
- Put a dehumidifier in damp areas of the house to reduce moisture levels.
- Remove any yard and garden debris and decaying wood.
- Seal cracks and crevices in your foundation to prevent access.
- Store firewood off the ground and away from the foundation.
Being proactive in your prevention efforts can certainly go a long way in minimizing your exposure to millipede activity; however, pests can be sneaky. Despite your best efforts, they may find their way in any way. The safest way to address your millipede control and prevention needs is to reach out to your local pest professionals. The team at Mission Pest Solutions has the experience necessary to deal with these multi-legged pests, and we will customize a treatment plan catered to your specific needs.