Though their name means “hundred legs,” centipedes, depending on their exact species and size, have between 15 and 177 legs. Centipedes have a flattened worm-like body that is segmented. On each body segment, they have one pair of long thin legs. Centipedes use their legs to move quickly and hunt down their insect prey. Centipedes are excellent hunters and feed on insects, spiders, and other centipedes.

Are centipedes dangerous?
Centipedes have an intimidating appearance and are not something most people enjoy sharing their space with; however, these pests aren’t particularly dangerous to people.
Centipedes have “fangs,” which are actually front limbs that are modified and end at a sharp point. They use their “fangs” to “bite” and inject venom into their prey. Being bitten by a centipede is generally not a huge concern, but their bites are painful and can cause localized swelling. Avoiding contact with centipedes is always the best practice!
Why do I have a centipede problem?
If your yard has an abundant number of prey that centipedes like to feed on, it will attract the attention of these predators. Yards with many gardens, flowers, woodpiles, and standing water often have a lot of insect activity and are places where you will find centipedes.
When centipedes live in gardens and flowerbeds close to your home, it is easy to experience a problem with these pests. Centipede infestations usually occur when the weather outside becomes too hot, or they need a source of moisture, two things they can find in most of our homes.
Where will I find centipedes?
Centipedes have high moisture needs and live outside in damp, cool areas. The soil under mulch, trash cans, woodpiles, fallen trees, and rocks provide centipedes a suitable refuge.
Centipedes typically enter into homes at ground level, where they will remain. Naturally humid areas of a home are most prone to problems with centipedes. Crawl spaces, closets, cabinets under sinks, laundry rooms, and spaces behind sinks and tubs are likely hideouts.
How do I get rid of centipedes?
If you are experiencing problems with centipedes or other unwanted household guests, the best solution is to work with a local professional. For the best pest control in the Jacksonville area, reach out to us at Mission Pest Solutions. Our professionals are friendly, experienced, listen to your needs, and take the time necessary to learn all they can about your unique property.
Our treatments will be specific to your home as it is our mission to provide our customers with the highest-quality home and commercial pest control services possible! To learn more about effective home pest control in Florida, reach out to us at Mission Pest Solutions today!
How can I prevent centipedes in the future?
Use the following information to stop centipedes from calling your Florida property home.
- Seal any gaps or cracks that develop in your foundation.
- Install door sweeps under exterior doors.
- Use dehumidifiers to reduce excess moisture in your home.
- Create a barrier between any soil or mulch and your foundation.
- Remove fallen trees and yard debris from your property.
For more information about our pest control services, call today!