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A Helpful Guide To Effective Cockroach Control For Jacksonville Homes


Do you know how to identify a cockroach problem? Do you know the risks cockroaches pose when they invade homes? Unfortunately, cockroaches in Jacksonville are a widespread pest, and all residents need to know the answers to these questions.

Luckily, our cockroach control experts at Mission Pest Solutions have all the information you need about cockroaches in the area, including how to prevent and remove them. Keep reading to get valuable tips on identifying a cockroach infestation and removing it from your house.

Clear Signs Of A Cockroach Infestation

Cockroaches are invasive, and since they have large colonies, you might think it would be easy to spot them right away. But, the truth is that they are also primarily nocturnal and relatively small, so you might not see the pests themselves until they’ve been in your house for a while.

However, there are some early signs of a cockroach infestation to look out for:

  • A strong, musty odor that is hard to describe but impossible to ignore
  • Discarded wings and eggshells around the walls and furniture
  • Brown stains around the walls and furniture
  • Droppings that look like pepper grounds in the home

If you see any of these signs around your property, call our experts for an inspection. We will determine if you have roaches and then devise a plan to remove them.

The Dangers Roaches Bring Into The Home

You’ve likely heard that cockroaches are disgusting, but they are more than just gross. They are also one of the most dangerous pests in the area. They pick up pathogens on their bodies as they crawl around garbage, sewage, and dead animals. Then, they spread these germs to area homes and transmit specific illnesses such as salmonella, gastroenteritis, and dysentery. They also cause allergic reactions and asthma attacks in some people.

Because of the health concerns, you don’t want cockroaches around for even a short time.

Factors That Attract Cockroaches Into Homes

Sadly, many things attract roaches, and it’s not always possible to completely prevent them. Even if you try your best to keep a clean home, you could still have cockroaches. However, it’s helpful to know what draws them in and remove some of these factors.

Mainly, cockroaches love a lot of clutter and access to food and water. They aren’t picky about what they eat, as they’ll get into pantries, cupboards, garbage, and pet food. They often live in kitchens and bathrooms where the humidity is high and where they can consume a lot of organic materials.

You can help prevent cockroaches by cleaning up excess clutter, getting lids for your trash cans, and cleaning kitchens regularly.

Remember that cockroaches can come into your home on secondhand items, cardboard boxes, or from the outdoors. So, if you end up with an infection despite your best efforts, don’t feel bad.

The Best Method For Total Cockroach Control

Cockroaches might be hard to prevent, but they are even harder to eliminate. Once you start noticing signs of an infestation, you probably can’t remove them independently. DIY methods only get some roaches because they are now resistant to many pesticides.

Instead, the only way to remove them entirely is with Jacksonville pest control services. Our experts use strong products that remove the roaches but won’t harm you, your family, or your pets. We can then offer ongoing home pest control to deter further cockroach problems.

Call Mission Pest Solutions today to get started with our cockroach control options.